Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
It has been the bane of my existence since the birth of my wonderful son. In the final months of pregnancy, it's painful tentacles crept into my arms and wrists so severely that it effectively shut down the process of creating his nursery mural. For months after, it would tingle and stiffen at random inconvenient times but then it seemed to be slowly disappearing into the annoying void from whence it came... I was finally free. But then again...
It has been the bane of my existence since the birth of my wonderful son. In the final months of pregnancy, it's painful tentacles crept into my arms and wrists so severely that it effectively shut down the process of creating his nursery mural. For months after, it would tingle and stiffen at random inconvenient times but then it seemed to be slowly disappearing into the annoying void from whence it came... I was finally free. But then again...
It's baaaaaccccckkkk (insert little girl's voice from poltergeist here).
I suddenly was struck with a horrible bout of pain in my neck and shoulder last week. Just in time for my birthday, it was a "gift" to remind me that I was truly getting older. It has lasted a week... well, at least the pain did... but even now it still feels like I have tight rubber bands around my wrist making even typing a bit like swallowing with a sore throat. I think if there really was a hell for artists... it would be an eternal bout with this stuff.